Travel Tag

Image taken from Google Images

I have never done a tag before, but I stumbled across a few different travel tags and have been inspired to create my own. I have taken a few questions from tags that I have seen and also created a few myself.

Why do you like most about travelling?

I like to travel so I can experience new cultures and learn new things. Although I love planning a trip and having an itinerary of things to do, I do also enjoy getting lost in the new place I am in, walking around back streets, off the beaten track in slightly less touristy areas. I think when you do this you get more of a feel for the place and what is like to live there – you experience the culture more.

How many countries have you visited?

I have visited fifteen countries; America (Florida only), England, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Wales.

Favourite city or country?

I am in the fortunate position of currently living and touring around Spain for my job. I love it here, the culture is more relaxed and laid back, the people are nicer and more polite and chatty, and there are places that are just stunning. I am based in Valencia which will always have a special place in my heart. Over the last year and a bit I have learnt a lot about Valencia and although I haven’t discovered all of Valencia’s secrets, I certainly know a few of them! One of my favourite places in Spain is Toledo (see post here) it is simply beautiful.

Three holiday essentials?

  1. 3G/4G on my phone for when I am out and about – I don’t have a sense of direction, and as I like to wander around and get ‘lost’ in the city I am in, if I don’t have internet I might not get back to my hotel. I am on the mobile network Three who have something called ‘Feel at Home’ where you can use your contract as normal abroad (not in all countries but a fair few) which is great for those who like to travel.
  2. Suncream – I tend to travel to hot countries where suncream is an absolute essential. I was recommended a brand called P20 a while ago which is now my go to suncream. It isn’t the cheapest but it is well worth it. You can buy it here.
  3. Camera / Decent camera on phone – I would never call myself a photographer but I do enjoy taking pictures of places I am visiting. It helps me trigger memories and relive moments from my adventures!

Favourite thing purchased abroad?

screen-shot-2017-01-29-at-15-12-14The first thing that came to my mind for this question was a piece of artwork I bought in Rome. I was on holiday with my best friend Sarvie when we were 18, we were wandering around the centre near the Trevi and we saw a crowd of people around this woman (Polly) doing spray paint art using stencils. She was incredibly fast at creating each piece and incredibly talented. Both my friend and I bought one of her pieces, in black and white (but she also offered coloured versions) which she was only charging €10 for. It is currently blu-tacked to my wall at home, but at some point I want to get it framed.

Favourite food you have tried abroad?

Pastries at Machane Yahuda Market, Jerusalem Israel. The Rugelach is the pile of pastries one in from the right.

This is a hard one for me because I love nearly all food. I tried ‘Rabo de Toro’ (bulls tail) last year in Ávila, Spain which was incredible the meat was so tender, it just fell off the bone. I had a steak in Morocco which was one of the best steaks I have ever had, the fresh mint tea there was also delicious. The lemon gelato in Italy was out of this world and the rugelach (a chocolate pastry, see picture above) in Israel just melted in my mouth. There is far to much to choose from. When I go abroad food is such a pivotal part of my trip. I love to try new things and experience the new flavours.

I would absolutely love to get this tag moving so I nominate Jocy from Jocelyn: aspiring grown up and Robyn from Robyn Bobbing Around to do this tag, answering the same questions I have answered as I know they both love to travel!

3 thoughts on “Travel Tag

  1. Interesting post.
    What I love about traveling is the excitement to experience something new. I see new things, I smell new things, I meet new people and form friendships I never thought possible, I learn about different cultures and I widen my horizon.
    I can combine this perfectly with my second biggest hobby – travel photography.
    I have traveled to 74 countries so far, adding Chile, Uzbekistan and Poland to the list this year.

    I am in love with traveling.


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